What is this all about?

First and foremost - the Old Faithful + HEART design is provided by Araya, 5 year-old Yellowstone supporter of Cody, WY. Thank you Araya!! Sunday in the Park - Protest FOR Yellowstone is a group of citizens from the Yellowstone National Park gateway towns who are concerned about the impact of the federal government shutdown on our communities. Communities such as ours are both built and dependent upon the parks we serve - when the guests are here, our businesses are open - without Yellowstone, we do not have guests to serve. As the summer season is the strongest for Yellowstone, many business owners and employees count on the summer season of May-October to make their bread and butter. The loss of revenue due to the shutdown is a significant impact on both business owners and their employees, many of whom have been laid off 1+ months prior to when was expected and will not be compensated for these lost wages and revenue, while still having financial obligations to meet. Parents will need to explain to their young children why they can't go see the animals. Park employees (many who do not yet know when they will be paid, or will not be paid at all in the case of concessions employees) have had to explain to guests why they can't see the wonders of America's 1st National Park, even though they bought their plane tickets and booked their hotel reservations over a year in advance. We want Congress to see the human side of the shutdown and the effects of it upon their constituents, their voters. We want the states of Wyoming and Montana to take a stand and participate in funding to reopen our parks. This is not a political campaign - this is a human campaign. Please see the details page for additional info, or visit us on Facebook at Protest FOR Yellowstone National Park for additional information.

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's a Party!

Gardiner/North Entrance Sign Making Party!

Saturday, October 12 - 1:00pm

Leah's House - please email me at leahkautz@gmail.com or send me a FB message if don't already know where to find me

WHAT to bring:
Sign ideas!

As for actual sign construction supplies, I got some of the basics such as a handful of posterboard,  sharpies/markers, tape, glue etc but anything else anyone can contribute would be greatly appreciated!

Some ideas....
  • Posterboard or foam board - as I said, I have SOME (all white) but it is only posterboard so will not be as durable as foam board
  • Markers/Paints etc.
  • Embellishments (stencils, pictures etc.)
  • Anything else you can think of that would make for some fun and creative signs!
 If you can't make it to this shindig but still want to make some signs, please keep a few things in mind:

  • This is a peaceful, civil and respectful rally, aimed at highlighting the human aspect rather than the political antics - of course those are in there somewhere as it's unavoidable, but should not be the main focus. As Rick so elequently stated, "this is not a political up-rising; it is a common sense event that is intended to speak to all our DC leaders to exercise common sense in running OUR government". In the name of these shared goals, please refrain from the following:
    • Anti-[insert name here] signs and messages - we are not here to talk about how much love/hate Obama, Boehner, Reid, Pelosi, Bachmann etc or to play the "blame game"
    • Name calling or other statements meant to belittle or condescend
    • Partisan arguments!
IMPORTANT Note: My house is not huge - please let me know via email, text or FB message if you are planning to attend the sign making party so I can have an idea of how many people to expect at the house.
Last but not least...would anyone with a color printer be willing/able to print this image for me? I didn't make it so don't know it's attributes but as big as it can get while still retaining the image in decent quality. Thanks In advance!!

Most important, lets make it fun - this is a community gathering of folks who love OUR park and our towns!

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